Sunday, June 9, 2019


Scientific name for a leopard is Panthera Pardus.
Leopards are in the cat family.

Leopards live mostly in Africa with some living  in India, Malaysia and China.

Leopards are solitary animals meaning they like to live alone.

Leopards can be 4.5 ft. – 6ft long with a tail that is 3.5-4.5 long. Leopards are between 2-3 ft tall. They weigh between 80-200 pounds.  .

Leopard’s color and rosettes patterns go with their habitat.

Leopards are great climbers and great swimmers. They can leap up to 20ft. .during the day leopards are often seen resting in trees. Often times they will watch their prey from up in the trees where they can blend in with leaves. Then they will pounce down to surprise their prey. After a leopard catches their prey they will sometimes carry it back up the tree to hide it in the leaves.  They do this to keep it away from scavengers in between feedings.

Leopards are agile meaning they are able to move quickly and e  They are fast runners and can run 36 miles per hour.

Leopards hunt whatever they can catch.  Some animals they eat are boars, deers, impalas, gazelles.  Sometimes they will eat  fish, birds and rodents.

Leopards are mostly nocturnal meaning they are more active at night.

Female leopards give birth to usually 1-2 cubs. Cubs are born a grey color with very faint rosettes. Cubs are born blind and start to see in 10 days. Cubs live with their mothers for 2-4 years.  Mother leopards teach their cubs to swim, climb, hunt and how to protect themselves from predators.

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